
In the end, we reunite with the Divine just like the waves joyously merge with the sea.

Welcome to my humble home where you get to meet me, a microcosm of this infinite energy of love and potential we call the Universe. This is where you get to know me intimately, in my deepest, rawest, purist, most vulnerable and pellucid state. The real, true me without embellishments, masks or makeup, which I love to wear all the time.

The idea of sharing my life journey, my search for meaning and purpose has been in the making for many years, though initially started as a seed idea for a book. While it might have taken a long time for this seed to germinate and grow into this blog, I can clearly now see why it had to wait this long to materialise.

If this blog was born 10 years ago, I can assure you it would not have been voiced with this level of compassion, empathy, humility and awareness. There would have been a lot of anger, judgement, self-pity, resentment, bitterness and denial driven by the Ego; me being a victim in this world and not deserving what happened to me. Most of all, it would not have come from a place of pure love, one which does not see anything but light and beauty, in everyone and everything.

Every word I utter in this blog is from my own experience and realisation. It is my honest account of events that describes my personal transformation and spiritual awakening, and the wondrous way in which it all unfolded, and continues to unfold in every second of my life on this Earth. Nothing is new, though. It all has been told by many seekers of the light since the genesis of this world, is echoed now by other enquirers in this life cycle, and will be reaffirmed again and again by many others long after we are gone.

The uniqueness of each story though lies in our own interpretation of the signs. Our ability to witness our unique sequence of events and experiences as they unfold, tap deep into our consciousness for inspiration and wisdom, and express all this in our authentic voice. No two voices are the same because each and every one of us is a unique creative expression of the infinite potential, the Supreme. Yet at a deeper soul level, we are so intrinsically and intertwiningly connected, which explains the commonalities in our narratives and our spiritual paths. 

The darkness around us can be so consuming that we sometimes can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.

My quest began after my battle with breast cancer in 2006, but my ultimate healing did not come until years later. In 2013, a series of turbulences and tragic events rocked my world upside down and left me heartbroken, desolate and inconsolable. What was left of me were fragments of a person. My faith in humans and humanity was decimated, and my hopes for the future were crushed completely.

It was then, at the darkest moment of my life, in an instant of utter desperation and complete surrender, the Divine revealed itself to me in all of its glory. Pure unconditional, all-encompassing, love!

Awe-struck and agape, transcended by the magnificence of our light, I was able to finally see who we truly are, our inherent nature, spiritual DNA, our real human essence.

Believe it or not, at the core, we are beings of love and light, sparks of the Divine, the ever-present, undivided, all-embracing energy of love and light.

To witness that made me realise our greatness, which we often overlook because we choose to listen to our minds and minute egos, not our hearts. No fear or judgement comes out of your heart if you listen presently and attentively, it is your soul speaking to you. It all comes from the deepest, darkest places in your mind, which, driven by your ego, initiates negative thoughts that trigger hostile and destructive emotions, which eventually transpire into the acts of evil we experience in this world.

The way I see it now, spirituality and humanity are one, two sides of one coin and love is their shared language.

Anytime we approach life or make a decision from a place other than love, we fail to honour our inner truth and express our humanness. And, by doing so, we descend to unchartered territories bringing ourselves and our planet closer to our demise. Every time we see another human or creature suffering and choose to turn our heads the other way, we relinquish our rights to be the daughters and sons of the Divine, to love and be loved deeply, fearlessly and unconditionally.

We fail to see the oneness of all.

It is time we realised that, and it all starts with loving ourselves. When we love ourselves, not an egoistic love, but a true, compassionate, forgiving and accepting love, we see our inner beauty and that of all around us, because we simply are ONE. We ascend above their and our miniature selves, our weaknesses, inadequacies and fears, restore our humanity and awaken to our infinite potential, pure consciousness.  

While the initial driver for this blog was to heal myself from the wounds and scars of the past, I hope by sharing my story I can help others heal their own lives and set out on their own spiritual journey. By disclosing my innermost fears and vulnerabilities, I hope I can inspire and motivate you to dig deep to find your own frailties and rise above them, to resurrect your divine being, your soul, from the ashes and reclaim your humanity. 

Our planet is at a tipping point and needs us all to elevate its vibrations and induce its healing and regeneration. Love is the only way that leads there safely. We all are in this together. The more we share our learnings and insights, the better service we offer to our fellow humans and help our human race evolve and reach its highest potential. This blog is my contribution to this common goal of healing, resurgence, renewal and revival.   

As you will see, my posts will be guided by the energy call at the time. Each post will be prompted by a present moment thought or event that might trigger a past life memory or experience that will be explored, hopefully concluding with a few insightful remarks.

Your comments and feedback would be invaluable in developing this blog, and all received with immense love and utmost gratitude. As I said earlier, we are in this together, so let’s embark on this adventure and see where it leads us. 

From the deep muddy waters, the lotus flower rises in all its purity and beauty reminding us of what lies beneath the surface of our human faces: beauty, purity and perfection.